Manuel Adalid – La Catedral Special - Classical Guitar


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Manuel Adalid is a Master Luthier from Valencia Spain and head of the Francisco Esteve guitars.

He is widely respected as one of Spain’s most experimental and innovative guitars maker.

His instruments have been played by top guitarist throughout the world.

The La Catedral is Manuel Adalid’s top guitar made personally and incorporates a lifetime of guitar building  by a maker at the peak of his building. La Catedral has superb tone, excellent projection and playability.

This Catedral is the best of several that I have had through the years it was personally selected in Madrid by a very discerning and experienced collector and player.

As a double top it is very easy to play and responsive.

It gives immediacy of response in the trebles and displays perfect evenness across the strings and balance between basses and trebles with ringing clarity in the trebles with unfailing string separation and clarity in the voicing.

In performing baroque repertoire, the Cathedral produces admirable clarity, in the Romantic repertoire it delivers the required sweetness and in 20th Century repertoire such as Villalobos and Ponce it delivers sonority and lyricism.


  • YEAR: 2016

  • DESCRIPTION: All solid Cedar Doubletop.

  • Madagascar rosewood back and sides, Ebony fingerboard.

  • CONDITION: As mint use

  • WIDTH AT NUT: 52mm

  • SCALE LENGTH: 650mm

  • FINISH: Top french polish in superb condition

Daniel Nistico’s review said. “Beautiful guitar combines modern, old with new techniques. Big bold new sound you’d expect from a double top guitar but still combines Spanish traditional colour.

 Plays Valse no 4 by Agustin Barrios to show it’s capabilities

Email or call to enquire

=>  please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

Manuel Adalid is a Master Luthier from Valencia Spain and head of the Francisco Esteve guitars.

He is widely respected as one of Spain’s most experimental and innovative guitars maker.

His instruments have been played by top guitarist throughout the world.

The La Catedral is Manuel Adalid’s top guitar made personally and incorporates a lifetime of guitar building  by a maker at the peak of his building. La Catedral has superb tone, excellent projection and playability.

This Catedral is the best of several that I have had through the years it was personally selected in Madrid by a very discerning and experienced collector and player.

As a double top it is very easy to play and responsive.

It gives immediacy of response in the trebles and displays perfect evenness across the strings and balance between basses and trebles with ringing clarity in the trebles with unfailing string separation and clarity in the voicing.

In performing baroque repertoire, the Cathedral produces admirable clarity, in the Romantic repertoire it delivers the required sweetness and in 20th Century repertoire such as Villalobos and Ponce it delivers sonority and lyricism.


  • YEAR: 2016

  • DESCRIPTION: All solid Cedar Doubletop.

  • Madagascar rosewood back and sides, Ebony fingerboard.

  • CONDITION: As mint use

  • WIDTH AT NUT: 52mm

  • SCALE LENGTH: 650mm

  • FINISH: Top french polish in superb condition

Daniel Nistico’s review said. “Beautiful guitar combines modern, old with new techniques. Big bold new sound you’d expect from a double top guitar but still combines Spanish traditional colour.

 Plays Valse no 4 by Agustin Barrios to show it’s capabilities

=>  please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

Manuel Adalid is a Master Luthier from Valencia Spain and head of the Francisco Esteve guitars.

He is widely respected as one of Spain’s most experimental and innovative guitars maker.

His instruments have been played by top guitarist throughout the world.

The La Catedral is Manuel Adalid’s top guitar made personally and incorporates a lifetime of guitar building  by a maker at the peak of his building. La Catedral has superb tone, excellent projection and playability.

This Catedral is the best of several that I have had through the years it was personally selected in Madrid by a very discerning and experienced collector and player.

As a double top it is very easy to play and responsive.

It gives immediacy of response in the trebles and displays perfect evenness across the strings and balance between basses and trebles with ringing clarity in the trebles with unfailing string separation and clarity in the voicing.

In performing baroque repertoire, the Cathedral produces admirable clarity, in the Romantic repertoire it delivers the required sweetness and in 20th Century repertoire such as Villalobos and Ponce it delivers sonority and lyricism.


  • YEAR: 2016

  • DESCRIPTION: All solid Cedar Doubletop.

  • Madagascar rosewood back and sides, Ebony fingerboard.

  • CONDITION: As mint use

  • WIDTH AT NUT: 52mm

  • SCALE LENGTH: 650mm

  • FINISH: Top french polish in superb condition

Daniel Nistico’s review said. “Beautiful guitar combines modern, old with new techniques. Big bold new sound you’d expect from a double top guitar but still combines Spanish traditional colour.

 Plays Valse no 4 by Agustin Barrios to show it’s capabilities

See this guitar in action

► GuitarsOnline Rare and Manuel Adalid – La Catedral Special
► Composition: Vals No.4 by Agustin Barrios
► Performed by: Daniel Nistico
► Website:

Jacob Cordover
Performing: Balada De la Doncella Enamorada by Leo Bouwer
GuitarsOnline Performance Showcase
Guitar : 2018 Manuel Adalid Catedral double top

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