Chapter 1 - Introduction: Guitars, Strings & Players

This section introduces the complexities of choosing the “right” classical guitar strings, emphasizing that optimal sound quality and playability depend on the guitar, the player's technique, and the chosen musical style. It highlights the dynamic relationship between these elements and argues that understanding strings is crucial for any serious classical guitarist.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 2. How Important are Strings?

This section explores the significance of strings in shaping a guitar's sound, acknowledging differing viewpoints on their impact. It argues that while a bad guitar will always sound bad, even with excellent strings, high-quality strings can enhance a good guitar's tone and projection. It emphasizes the importance of "touch" in guitar playing and how appropriate strings can facilitate this connection between player and instrument.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 3.  Strings: A Profusion of Choices

This chapter navigates the overwhelming array of string choices available today. It categorizes string brands based on size, product range, and market presence, offering examples of each type. It discusses the materials, coatings, tensions, and combinations available, illustrating the vast landscape of options confronting guitarists.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 4.  Carbon, "Titanium," and the Quest for Power and Projection

Here we delve into the characteristics and popularity of "carbon" and "Titanium" treble strings, examining their impact on the classical guitar world. It explains the properties of fluorocarbon and "Titanium" strings, comparing them to traditional nylon strings in terms of tone, projection, and feel. We also explores the trend towards powerful guitars, such as lattice-top and double-top models, and how string choices intersect with this quest for volume and projection.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 5. Finding the Right Match

This section provides guidance on navigating string choices. It emphasizes the limitations of online reviews and stresses the importance of direct experience. It introduces key factors influencing string preferences, categorized as the "Five T's" (Tactility/tension, Tone, Tenor, Technical, Tuning) and "Five A's" (Affordability, Availability, Awareness, Aims, Attitude).

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 6.  Blessings: The Right Fit

I illustrate here., the ideal scenario of purchasing a guitar with strings that perfectly complement its character and the player's touch. It shares Askew's personal experiences of encountering guitars with this "right fit," highlighting the importance of luthier choices in string selection.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 7. Curses

This section presents a cautionary tale of an excellent guitar fitted with inappropriate strings. It underscores the importance of understanding string properties and the potential pitfalls of relying on generalist guitar shops for string advice.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 8. The Problem with Tension

Here we explore the intricacies of string tension, explaining its measurement and the inconsistencies in tension categorization across different brands. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the relationship between string gauge, tension, and scale length in achieving desired playing comfort and sound quality. It also highlights the challenges of finding reliable information on string gauges and tensions from manufacturers.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 9. My Collection: A Legacy of Choices

This section offers a glimpse into Askew's extensive string collection, a testament to his years of experimentation and refinement. It categorizes his collection into "Trusted and Regularly Used Strings" and "Graveyard, Limbo, and Waiting Room," providing insights into his preferred string choices and those that failed to impress. This personal inventory serves as a practical illustration of the trial-and-error process involved in finding the optimal strings for individual guitars and playing styles.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen
Chapter 10. A Conclusion

My journey of string exploration, emphasizes that finding the right strings is not about becoming a "string nerd" but about maximizing the musical potential of one's instrument. It reinforces the importance of strings in the player-guitar relationship and encourages readers to embrace the ongoing quest for the perfect string match.

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Pierre Herrero-Keen