GuitarsOnline - Used Classical Guitars

Purchasing a used classical guitar can be a rewarding investment, provided you choose a high-quality instrument rather than a cheap, mass-produced option.

Our GuitarsOnline Range of Used Classical Guitars

(and Quality New Classical Guitars at Second Hand Prices!)

Buying Used Classical Guitars:
A Smart Investment (or an Expensive Problem)?

Purchasing a used classical guitar can be a rewarding investment, provided you choose a high-quality instrument rather than a cheap, mass-produced option. A well-crafted classical guitar only improves with age, developing richer tones and greater resonance. However, to ensure your investment is worthwhile, it's crucial to know what to look for when buying a used classical guitar. Beware of the pitfalls of buying poor-quality used guitars, which can lead to frustration and additional expenses.

Key Considerations When Buying a Used Classical Guitar

1. Tonewoods:

  • The type of wood used in a guitar greatly influences its sound. High-quality classical guitars typically feature solid woods like spruce, cedar, mahogany, and rosewood.

  • Over time, these woods mature and enhance the guitar's tone, providing a richer, more resonant sound. Ensure the guitar you’re considering is made from these premium tonewoods.

2. Luthier:

  • The craftsmanship of the guitar is paramount. Renowned luthiers and reputable brands are known for their meticulous attention to detail and superior construction techniques.

  • Look for guitars made by well-known luthiers or brands such as Alhambra, Prudencio Saez, and António Pinto Carvalho, which are known for their high standards and excellent sound quality.

3. Care and Maintenance:

  • How the previous owner cared for the guitar significantly affects its condition and longevity. Check for signs of proper maintenance, such as clean, polished surfaces and well-maintained frets and strings.

  • Look for any visible damage like cracks, warps, or signs of excessive wear. A well-cared-for guitar will generally have minor, if any, cosmetic issues and no structural problems.

4. Authenticity and Brand Quality:

  • Quality brands like Alhambra, Prudencio Saez, and António Pinto Carvalho are a safe bet when buying used classical guitars. These brands are renowned for their durability, superior sound, and excellent craftsmanship.

  • At GuitarsOnline, we offer a curated selection of these high-quality used guitars, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Dangers of Buying a Poor-Quality Used Guitar

1. Inferior Sound Quality:

  • Cheap, mass-produced guitars often use low-quality materials and poor construction methods, resulting in subpar sound quality. These guitars may sound dull, flat, or lack resonance, making them a poor investment.

2. Structural Issues:

  • Poor-quality guitars are more likely to suffer from structural problems such as warping, cracks, or loose components. These issues can significantly affect playability and may require costly repairs.

3. Unreliable Playability:

  • A poorly constructed guitar may have high action, uneven frets, or other issues that make it difficult to play. This can be especially discouraging for beginners and may hinder progress.

4. Hidden Costs:

  • While a cheap used guitar might seem like a bargain, the cost of necessary repairs and adjustments can quickly add up, making it more expensive in the long run.

Why Buy from GuitarsOnline?

At GuitarsOnline, we understand the value of a good quality guitar, whether new or used. Our inventory includes not only top-notch used classical guitars but also new classical guitars offered at second-hand prices. This ensures you can find a high-quality instrument that fits your budget without compromising on sound or craftsmanship.

In conclusion, buying a used classical guitar can be a smart investment if you focus on quality rather than price. By considering the tonewoods, luthier, and previous care, and by choosing reputable brands, you can ensure that your used guitar will provide excellent performance for years to come. However, beware of the dangers of purchasing a poor-quality used guitar, which can lead to frustration and additional expenses. Explore our selection at GuitarsOnline to find the perfect guitar for your musical journey, whether you opt for a used gem or a new classic at an unbeatable price.

More Classical Guitar Buying Resources

For more classical guitar resources, please visit the GuitarsOnline Guitar Buyers Resource Centre