Felipe Conde - FP14NA - Flamenco Negra - Flamenco Guitar


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This flamenco guitar is part of the “Flamenco Studio Professional” series of guitars that Felipe makes for the advanced student. It has all the necessary power, tonal palette and playability for immediate use in the concert stage or recording studio. This is a spruce negra, which in addition to the qualities of its Blanca counterpart, will have extra power which even experienced players find helpful in concert.

It features a 3 piece back with center strip of maple, and old-school, Esteso-style head shape. Overall, a high performing instrument at this price point. Sadly, I only have one left of the negras from my Madrid buying trip but it is a ripper!

  • Level – Intermediate study

  • Scale – 650

  • Top – Solid Spruce

  • Back and Sides – Solid Rosewood

  • Fret board – Ebony

  • Machine heads – Gold

Please email or call to enquire.

=> please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

This flamenco guitar is part of the “Flamenco Studio Professional” series of guitars that Felipe makes for the advanced student. It has all the necessary power, tonal palette and playability for immediate use in the concert stage or recording studio. This is a spruce negra, which in addition to the qualities of its Blanca counterpart, will have extra power which even experienced players find helpful in concert.

It features a 3 piece back with center strip of maple, and old-school, Esteso-style head shape. Overall, a high performing instrument at this price point. Sadly, I only have one left of the negras from my Madrid buying trip but it is a ripper!

  • Level – Intermediate study

  • Scale – 650

  • Top – Solid Spruce

  • Back and Sides – Solid Rosewood

  • Fret board – Ebony

  • Machine heads – Gold

=> please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

This flamenco guitar is part of the “Flamenco Studio Professional” series of guitars that Felipe makes for the advanced student. It has all the necessary power, tonal palette and playability for immediate use in the concert stage or recording studio. This is a spruce negra, which in addition to the qualities of its Blanca counterpart, will have extra power which even experienced players find helpful in concert.

It features a 3 piece back with center strip of maple, and old-school, Esteso-style head shape. Overall, a high performing instrument at this price point. Sadly, I only have one left of the negras from my Madrid buying trip but it is a ripper!

  • Level – Intermediate study

  • Scale – 650

  • Top – Solid Spruce

  • Back and Sides – Solid Rosewood

  • Fret board – Ebony

  • Machine heads – Gold


See this guitar in action

Guitar: Felipe Conde - flamenco negra
Besame Mucho by Tomatito Version
Interpreted by: Alejandro Florez

Felipe Conde - flamenco cut-away - Flamenco Guitar