5 Course Baroque guitar in A by Julio Castano (Spain).

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5 Course Baroque guitar in A by Julio Castano (Spain)

Top is European Spruce

Back and sides in Cypress

Includes custom fitted Spanish case. $3000

Excellent projection and balance across the range.

 Come and see and play for yourself.

Please email or call to enquire.

=>  please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

5 Course Baroque guitar in A by Julio Castano (Spain)

Top is European Spruce

Back and sides in Cypress

Includes custom fitted Spanish case. $3000

Excellent projection and balance across the range.

 Come and see and play for yourself.

=>  please CLICK HERE to see this guitar in action:

5 Course Baroque guitar in A by Julio Castano (Spain)

Top is European Spruce

Back and sides in Cypress

Includes custom fitted Spanish case. $3000

Excellent projection and balance across the range.

 Come and see and play for yourself.

See this guitar in action

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