GuitarsOnline Ensemble building initiative

Calling all guitar teachers wanting to establish or extend their guitar ensemble programme

GuitarsOnline Ensemble building initiative in conjunction with the Victoria Classical Guitar Society.

Hot on the heels of the highly successful guitar Ensemble workshop in and concert at St Steven’s in March, and GuitarsOnline sponsorship of the Yearly Guitar Ensemble Extravaganza,  we’ve developed a new program for ensembles. Not only is it fun, it’s also a way to showcase to your students, parents and the school system at large the value of your day-to-day efforts.

A number of guitar teachers have expressed interest in launching ensembles or fine tuning their existing ensemble to participate in the Ensemble Extravaganza, to give their students the experience of playing in public and being applauded for their efforts. It’s a great night for all involved.

Also the Society has just announced the dates for the 2017 Extravaganza (see below). Given it has been so well supported by so many over the years, we have decided to explore extending the event to a second performance day. As part of this we are working with teachers on repertoire, conducting workshops, and a Get Started instrument and ensemble set up bundle.

If you’d like to know more about our School Music Sponsorship Programme email Pierre Herrero for details.

Guitarsonline Sponsorship opportunities aim to encourage guitar ensembles and the uptake of guitar in schools, so contact us on 0410 708 338 to find out more.

Ensemble Extravaganza 2017 !!
Venue:    MLC 207 Barkers Rd Kew 3101
Date:    Saturday August 19th 2017
Time:    5.00pm – 6.45pm



Marc Askew writes about his two visits to Brazil during 2012-2014.


March 2017 Newsletter