Ron Payne - Classical, Melbourne


Location: Box Hill, VIC
Phone:  0419 345 088
Areas of specialization:  Classical Guitar -Specialising in performance practice, ensemble, music history, form & analysis and ear training
Styles taught:  Classical
What Grade Exams do you prepare for?   Preparations for all examinations & competitions



Classical guitar teacher and guitarist Ron Payne HonFNMSM commenced his guitar studies at an early age after hearing the great Spanish guitarist, Andres Segovia. Learning the basics from the eminent Brazilian guitarist, Laurindo Almeida, he began formal studies with John Mills and Peter Calvo, (a disciple of Len Williams [father of John]) at the Sydney Spanish Guitar Centre.

Ron currently teaches at his private studio in Bok Hill in Victoria, where he specialises in performance practice, music history, theory, form and analysis, and ear training. Ron draws from the precepts and principles of Andres Segovia, Abel Carlevaro and Leo Brouwer. Preparations for examinations, competitions and concerts can also be arranged.